Today, in a corner of the world, someone is hungry, homeless, hurting. That Someone could be You. People live without light, out of sight. Is that right? I'm an average joe, just trying to make ends meet. Can I make a difference? One day, in a corner of the world, a light went on. An idea was born. I am the difference, between justice and injustice, between right and wrong. The voice lives on, when someone takes a stand. I am the end of poverty. I am a different path. It's never too late. I am the belief in your humanity. I am saving the world, one island at a time. I am a wave of compassion. I am the end of ignorance. I am the call for human rights. Love can change the world. I am jobs, not jails. I am clean water. I am the hands that heals all mankind. I am the light and the gift of vision. I am the heart that keeps a child alive. Before it's too late. I am the dream that becomes reality. I am greening the industry. What about now?

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Shanghai 之 The Spastics篇

Spastic Keychain the 2J guy did o_______o pity he missed out the butt.
Spastic Cindy
Buay tahan Cindy liao! Sieg release her kick!
Spastic 三人组
Leader of Spastic 三人组
Bernard. Not exactly spastic, but just, extremely childish(and i couldn't possibly have a Chidish Pian, not many is that childish, LOL)
And lastly, THE UNKNOWN TERRORIST! What will he/she do? What evil plans do this wicked mind have? Peace on the outside, terror in the inside.

Here's an intro, send by him/herself.

And BREAKING NEWS! Recently, he/she has been caught doing a dance, said to be associated with the devils.



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