Kids and Eggs. EGGS!
Charity(TngMinEn, 7) & Faith(TngHuiEn, 11) Sisters
There's still Justin(hyperactive plus loudspeaker time 8 moles) & Clare(Siblings; 5, 7) which picture is zomgoddes gone i think D: and another family kids with a boyboy with specs and a sister who looks like pri6 but is sec2. Sense the jealousy in my tone, I'm always mistaken for being older. Does a 15 look like 18 to you assholes?
And Japan toilets are super cool and comfortable. Imagine having warm toilet seat for your butt, it's s-weet man
And the toilet also include wash-your-butt-and-vagina with controllable water preassure *ahems.
And of course the gor...gor...geous Mt. Fuji :D.
And this is the most delicious egg i've ever eaten. Yum YumSpeaking of which i shall remind myself not to eat eggs for a month cause i ate around 15 eggs during my seven day trip. But like thats possible, I LOVE EGGS! EGGS LOVE I! AND I LOVE EGGS!
Food post up next! hopefully.
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