Bird Shiat plop on me.
Yesterday, I nosebleed just 5 minutes befire the reporting time in Concourse.
And then, just 1 minute before the reporting time, PLOP! Bird shiat plop on me.
Luckily, the nosebleed wasn't serious.
I was wearing full uniform so the bird shiat plopped on my (NEWWWWWWW) sergeant rank and my beret(NOT HAIR ZOMG HAHAHAHAH).
I might win 4D so I messaged my mum to buy.
Unluckily, POP taining officers had to be there and we were somewhat forced to go back for training.
I didn't win 4D. Next time must take note bird shiat plop directly on top of head, not half on head or shoulder.
Luckily, being accomplished honourable students we manage to dig our way out POP training. Screw you HQ.
Thanks to The power of bird shiat ploppling half on head and shoulder! Though I didn't win 4D...
Ok anyway friday CCA was really boring and all that. During triage I totally want to ZZZ since I was at the 4th level and apparently no one came up except Shelley. But since it's the 4th level the view is totally (Y)
The sky is sooooooo pretty like Jolyn.W. It truely is breathtaking. The clouds look so majestic as the sunlight beams on them, refracting severald hundreds and thousands of light rays. Unluckily I don't have my phone with me so no piccas. But it's still zomgoddess pretty. And being on level 4, I can see everything. Like whats happening at NPS, saw some 6 packs in front of counselling block, the view of the estates far away(which 1 of the building totally look like the blue building with the platinium top in Tower Bloxxx) the sky, the clouds, more sky....
After CCA a surprise! Must take a whole post to cover :D
Btw, luckily I nosebleed I didn't smell bird shiat plopping.
And then, just 1 minute before the reporting time, PLOP! Bird shiat plop on me.
Luckily, the nosebleed wasn't serious.
I was wearing full uniform so the bird shiat plopped on my (NEWWWWWWW) sergeant rank and my beret(NOT HAIR ZOMG HAHAHAHAH).
I might win 4D so I messaged my mum to buy.
Unluckily, POP taining officers had to be there and we were somewhat forced to go back for training.
I didn't win 4D. Next time must take note bird shiat plop directly on top of head, not half on head or shoulder.
Luckily, being accomplished honourable students we manage to dig our way out POP training. Screw you HQ.
Thanks to The power of bird shiat ploppling half on head and shoulder! Though I didn't win 4D...
Ok anyway friday CCA was really boring and all that. During triage I totally want to ZZZ since I was at the 4th level and apparently no one came up except Shelley. But since it's the 4th level the view is totally (Y)
The sky is sooooooo pretty like Jolyn.W. It truely is breathtaking. The clouds look so majestic as the sunlight beams on them, refracting severald hundreds and thousands of light rays. Unluckily I don't have my phone with me so no piccas. But it's still zomgoddess pretty. And being on level 4, I can see everything. Like whats happening at NPS, saw some 6 packs in front of counselling block, the view of the estates far away(which 1 of the building totally look like the blue building with the platinium top in Tower Bloxxx) the sky, the clouds, more sky....
After CCA a surprise! Must take a whole post to cover :D
Btw, luckily I nosebleed I didn't smell bird shiat plopping.