What About Now?

Today, in a corner of the world, someone is hungry, homeless, hurting. That Someone could be You. People live without light, out of sight. Is that right? I'm an average joe, just trying to make ends meet. Can I make a difference? One day, in a corner of the world, a light went on. An idea was born. I am the difference, between justice and injustice, between right and wrong. The voice lives on, when someone takes a stand. I am the end of poverty. I am a different path. It's never too late. I am the belief in your humanity. I am saving the world, one island at a time. I am a wave of compassion. I am the end of ignorance. I am the call for human rights. Love can change the world. I am jobs, not jails. I am clean water. I am the hands that heals all mankind. I am the light and the gift of vision. I am the heart that keeps a child alive. Before it's too late. I am the dream that becomes reality. I am greening the industry. What about now?

Saturday, July 21, 2007



“Ritikulous”(totally casting a spell)
“You are Ugry”
“Oh prease”
“Extremely short broadies”

Chance upon this video on Youtube(haven’t been there since ice-age since there are wayyyy better video qualities elsewhere). AND OMG, GUESS WHO I REMIND WHEN I WATCH THIS VIDEO.

XIQUAN MY WUNENG OC. HAHAHAHHAHAHA. Seems like there’s always someone who has suckier(or the same) English standards then you! Wonder how he pronounced “Although”. Perhaps it’s the same as you too, “Auto”.

But I have nothing to say about Xiaxue la. I can’t be bothered to read her blog since I can’t stand the disgusting legs on the goddamned page, Oh, and her photoshopped photos. Ever since Fame is given to her, everything is one hell of a shit.

Anyway, today HP book7 is released, and I wasn’t much aware of it since I have to be worried on getting up early for the Sergeant interview. But anyway we were “rejected”, since we don’t qualify certain requirements. Waste off time, but I ate Mac’s breakfast and had a cup of cuppa, so my mood was happy. The conference room is also one hilarious shit. I miss Mdms Teos so much awwww!

Talking back to HP, it’s a wonder who exactly died. Well, I just hope the Dursleys don’t, and also Snape and Ron. The others can die all they want. Actually I wasn’t very interested in the last book, since I’m still o_o by that 2Hour long movie. But I’m reassuring myself that I won’t be able to finish a book in 2 hours.

MY internet is a total bitch. It keeps disconnecting, and load at a gosu rate. Great.


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Say O-M-G, I totally caught Harry Pottie the 2nd time. It was still boring and I slept again like the first time. Some 15 minutes off the 2 hour LONG show :| Many emotion you can say, but it was sooooo kiddy love. But my favourite part of the show:

Hot Fudge Sundae: He's....back.
Hairy Bladder: You are so f lag.
Albus Weewee Federick Duhduh Dork: I should have eat you up.

Crude. But it's still kinda pissing that I spent 2 weeks reading the bloody book.

Racial Harmony is alright today, though it seems like it was Halloween for my booth, or we were too "enthusiastic" that we decide to "talk like an Indian, act like an Indian, be a Indian". Kolam was fun, but think of the poor African kids that are starving.

Assembly was hilarious as I can see many many ahems dancing. And i was ready to clap for MsKhoo if she was the judge. ah she's so preety in pink today! I still got adrenaline rush(hope my baby don't drop out) whenever I see her :D

Before I end, A racist joke for a racial day.

After hearing some S'poreans saying that India was damn dirty, the India President pays a visit to S'pore. Everywhere he looked was kind of clean, so he went to the tallest building of S'pore(namely a HDB at ToaPayoh). He looked and looked, and finally! "AHA! S'pore is not so very clean at all!" He pointed to a place, and asked what place it was.

"little India".
(credits: Jessica Sexbomb)


Friday, July 13, 2007

To my team: Even though many think we got lucky, like our competitors are kinda lousy, or the judges like the way we present, or we sort of charmed them with our looks(LOL), I really think we deserved it. Maybe we have significantly less trainings compared to others, but not many can see the hard work behind. Not many can see what research we have done for home nursing, what signs and symptoms for first aid, and that we did bother to go through every brochure anyone gave us. We were thought to be the biggest disappointment, but we prove them wrong. Really, I’m happy to see the hard work pay off.

To our instructors: Crystal, Y.Liting, Yiyang, Boonkai, Joycelyn, Hoyan, Xinhui, AA, Jonathan(old), and the many other seniors, Thanks. It’s a simple word that tells it all.

To others who think we doesn’t deserve it/ not good enough: Please for goodness sake, wake up. There are many things you haven’t gone through, nor you have seen.

Anyway I din manage to catch Live Earth, but heard it wasn’t fantastic and I wasn’t supportive enough to wear green. Imagine wearing Corrigan tee to the airport la. But I did manage to catch Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2007 on Mon after Desperate. Wasn’t as fantastic as last years. New models with lesser wings, and weird undies. I still think Tyra and Heidi owns big ass.

Supposedly Posted on 090707(old Jonathan’s b’day, our champs is his present)

Oh ya, school reopen. It was bad news that I lost my Mr. Big Breakfast aka Dandan, and instead gained the magnificent ChinGay Parade. Yes a BigBreakfast is filling but a ChinGay parade is absolutely boring. Must be the increase in GST that made me lost my BigBreakfast.

But lessons are still hilarious with jokes, many many jokes. And it seems like the bug of Flying Fingers had infected 3j and Pokemon is the new germ. Actually, Pokemon is the new dengue, and AHS is a danger zone.


Sunday, July 08, 2007



AND WE TOTALLY \m/ them.

"I think I damn own."

Monday, July 02, 2007

Save to the power of winx!

. . . _ _ _ . . . Live Earth, the concerts for a climate in crisis, 070707, 7pm.
Hello wonderful faithful o'readers of invisi Sieg mode.
Various artists, from all over the world, speaking different languages, with different beliefs and religions, come together with one goal: To aware the public of a climate, ours to be exact, that it is in crisis. Global warming is happening, and no one is exaggerating about it. For years it has been going and growing, and now it's hitting the climax. Earth is in crisis.

MTV switch is presented by MTV. It wants us to change the way of our habits, for example switching off the television when it's not in use, or simply using less paper(knock Poh's forehead when it comes to exams). Every little thing we do to save, may not seem significant but on a large scale and in long time, it will.
Let's start by stoping those ap modes.
Ok recently all these "save da environment yo" campaign all come out at one go. Really, have it come too late? Is it because the emission of greenhouse gases is too much these two years that global warming is too significant to be ignored?
And talk and dicuss with each other for opinions
Technology, fashion and entertainment revolves around us too much these days. Many really can't live a day without watching your favourite Boiling Points under a blasting air con with your MSN going "ting-a-ling!". Women can't live without a French mani/pedicure and buying furry Gucci bags with 2 inches thick Anna Sui make-up(just an over statement). Guys can't live without DoTA or maple(T_T) in a 16 degrees celcius room. I can't live without telly, many many telly.
Not that these campagin won't work, but will it help as much compared to last time where T, F, E is last significant?
we are seperated, ununited, and screw up
But, as someone always says, better late then never!
of course, it's never late to salvage the situation
Anyway, go Green on 07 & 08 July. I have no idea why i'm so supportive of these campaigns nowadays.
and regain the friendship in us
There is no anger or a need for sorries, as I have done wrong. But there is failure and dissapointment, for we have done wrong.for my sj mates