Today, in a corner of the world, someone is hungry, homeless, hurting. That Someone could be You. People live without light, out of sight. Is that right? I'm an average joe, just trying to make ends meet. Can I make a difference? One day, in a corner of the world, a light went on. An idea was born. I am the difference, between justice and injustice, between right and wrong. The voice lives on, when someone takes a stand. I am the end of poverty. I am a different path. It's never too late. I am the belief in your humanity. I am saving the world, one island at a time. I am a wave of compassion. I am the end of ignorance. I am the call for human rights. Love can change the world. I am jobs, not jails. I am clean water. I am the hands that heals all mankind. I am the light and the gift of vision. I am the heart that keeps a child alive. Before it's too late. I am the dream that becomes reality. I am greening the industry. What about now?

Saturday, July 21, 2007



“Ritikulous”(totally casting a spell)
“You are Ugry”
“Oh prease”
“Extremely short broadies”

Chance upon this video on Youtube(haven’t been there since ice-age since there are wayyyy better video qualities elsewhere). AND OMG, GUESS WHO I REMIND WHEN I WATCH THIS VIDEO.

XIQUAN MY WUNENG OC. HAHAHAHHAHAHA. Seems like there’s always someone who has suckier(or the same) English standards then you! Wonder how he pronounced “Although”. Perhaps it’s the same as you too, “Auto”.

But I have nothing to say about Xiaxue la. I can’t be bothered to read her blog since I can’t stand the disgusting legs on the goddamned page, Oh, and her photoshopped photos. Ever since Fame is given to her, everything is one hell of a shit.

Anyway, today HP book7 is released, and I wasn’t much aware of it since I have to be worried on getting up early for the Sergeant interview. But anyway we were “rejected”, since we don’t qualify certain requirements. Waste off time, but I ate Mac’s breakfast and had a cup of cuppa, so my mood was happy. The conference room is also one hilarious shit. I miss Mdms Teos so much awwww!

Talking back to HP, it’s a wonder who exactly died. Well, I just hope the Dursleys don’t, and also Snape and Ron. The others can die all they want. Actually I wasn’t very interested in the last book, since I’m still o_o by that 2Hour long movie. But I’m reassuring myself that I won’t be able to finish a book in 2 hours.

MY internet is a total bitch. It keeps disconnecting, and load at a gosu rate. Great.



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