ok i do not exactly want to post but however a sudden impromptu, last minute incident just made me wanna post soooooo badly about it. to most, the two inhabitants i'm gonna post about is a whack at your ears and an arrow at your eyes, but we hear and see them everyday, and that's the saddest of all. No wonder S'pore's has the most myopia cases uh-huh.
Sj day is tomorrow, and i just knew it like 3hours ago. Well the reason of not having it with NCC on friday is that "it might take too long and eat into class time". Right, and "the world will explode if you continue to be such a bitch in the face", you no lan woman. Everything is screwed because of that five minutes whom you think the teachers will be able to teach an entire encyclopedia to us. Like please, they spent 10 minutes setting up the computer. But, to think of it, since you had no lan to think, and i guess the 1200degrees myopia has already burn you pea brain, it's no wonder you think with zombie finger.
Since I've already started on one, i might as well start on the other one then. What reminds you when I ask you to think of a baboon?
Yes, That Lovely Red Ass, which it smells at to be inspired on the next torture-the-students mission. No wonder our school's very own bikini baboon's one is so terribly huge...and sagging due to the over drainage of bootie powers. The tight hotpants whom it worn flatter her butt drain and give an obvious sight of her tirangular potties. Especially during cases where she wore Hotpink potties with white hotties, it was an unbelievable combination, truely fascinating to one's eyes/