
Explict Gaming Content! DO NO PLAY IT IF IT'S 2 WEEKS BEFORE YOUR END OF YEAR EXAMS, SECONDARY 3(from the J) PUPILS.Heng ah, I played it 3 weeks before.
Anyway below is some pretty boring print screen which i fell asleep up loading it. Zzz,

The luzza Maple Story! The most hard to level game in the technology history! The super long never-ending game in the history of history! The amount of time you need to stand just to complete your HP bar equals to when x=0 in a tanX graph! Yes, It's the one and only..... LUZZA MAPLE STORY!!!!
So what's the catch here? What if this stupid game is just like like luzza Maple? It's like what if this blogger is luzza enough to play games that took infinite years times infinite moles to level!
While it takes 6months to get you from level 80-90 in maple story, 60 minutes is all you need!
While it takes a gazillion years for your always-ending HP/MP bar to max., this game heals 20 even when you are attacking!
While you finally reach level 150 and become a crimsom knight on a flying albino elephant, thinking that you are the ultimate utmost Mapler in the world, ready to fight the most horrendous thing on Earth: Trigonometry, the applications and MORE trigonometry come out!(Die, Amaths, DIEEEEEE!), this game actually has an ending!(which the exclamtion mark was redundant as it really has not much meaning)
Come, play Bleach Training II today!
Edit/Any failures for the EOY is NOT the responsible of the author of this post.
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